Treatment costs
- Professor Felippe does not carry out any treatment with costs assumed by insurance of any kind.
- There will be no exceptions.
- Patients pay on their own and are the contracting partner and are also solely responsibly for the costs of treatment.
- Treatment costs are individual and vary from patient to patient.
- Surgery is not a commodity, but rather a medical treatment, therefore no price list.
- Costs are in relation to treatment expense, calculated by taking into account the time needed for treatment,
- the degree of complexity, duration of stay in hospital and material requirements.
- As a rule, costs are proposed in advance.
- Total costs must be paid before carrying out the treatment.
- Treatment costs are to be paid in advance, as soon as an treatment appointment becomes a binding reservation.
- Financing is possible through a bank. If there is interest in financing, we offer the addresses of specialists in the field.
- Handling costs are reasonable, good conditions are offered.